Move Your Students Forward with TerraNova NEXT
Why Do Educators Choose TerraNova NEXT?
TerraNova NEXT—the next generation of TerraNova assessments—provides accurate measurement of important skills, knowledge and grade-level expectations while spotlighting how students are progressing toward standards and performing relative to their peers. TerraNova NEXT provides norm-referenced data (National and Local), criterion-referenced data and performance levels.

—Sister Edward William Quinn, IHM, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment at Archdiocese of Philadelphia Schools
—Angela Trahan, Assistant Superintendent Diocese of Lafayette - Lafayette, LA
—Gerrie Byrne, Associate Superintendent, The Diocese of Houma Thibodaux - Houma, LA
Assessment Solutions
TerraNova NEXT
(Online and Paper/Pencil)
(Interim and Formative)